Spring is the time for renewal, when many people want to boost the look of their home or carry out a major renovation. As the winter progresses, you can start thinking about how to make your home more comfortable. Planning the spring renovation also adds energy to the dark winter evenings. Here are a few ideas that inspire you to plan your own home renovation.
Creative solutions for the kitchen and bedroom
The kitchen is often called the heart of the home. Winter is a good time to plan how to make your kitchen more functional. Maybe the current cabinet or working space could be more practical?
The entire kitchen does not necessarily have to be renovated, as with a small surface renovation the kitchen becomes more comfortable for spring and summer activities. With modern storage mechanisms, more space in cabinets will be available. For example, stale worktops can be replaced with an easy-to-maintain laminate or scratch-resistant stone.
When doing spring cleaning, consider new solutions for storing goods and clothes. For example, a partition can be placed behind the headboard, and behind it you’ll have a dressing room. Open shelves are easy to decorate by installing lights on the wall.
Energy from colours and patterns
In the spring, you can give up the dark and grey tones of winter. While nature wakes up in bloom, the home can be enlivened by adding colour to the surfaces. For wall painting or wallpapering, you should choose light or bright tones.
You can also install a stylish 3D wall panel, for example, as a TV background wall. Wall panels create a luxurious atmosphere in any room. Often they are also made of environmentally friendly natural materials. If wall panels are too big a project, the walls can be refreshed with new pictures.
If kitchen or bathroom tiles have lost their flair, strong graphical or mosaic patterns on the tiles will bring a personal touch to an otherwise minimalist look.
Plan the yard repairs well in advance
It is nice to spend your time in the yard right on the first warm days of spring, so start repairing your yard well in advance. Larger alterations require yard designing and possibly a building permit, while smaller yard repairs and planting can be done independently.
Maybe it would be nice to have a better terrace area for the summer or a playhouse for the kids? Those interested in gardening and planting may consider building a greenhouse. Starting yard design in the winter can save you time and money in purchasing materials and finding contractors, as spring and summer are the busiest times of yard construction.